Reading Resources
Infertility can be an incredibly isolated place, and as I walked through the inevitable choices that needed to be made, I searched for all the resources that could help me walk this completely foreign path. I searched libraries, the internet, blogs, social media, everywhere I could think. I didn't find a lot that was helpful to me because a lot of the typical answers people seemed to find where not meant for us.
So I decided to share my own story, and share as much insightful information as I could so that others wouldn't feel so alone if they too found themself in a pregnant pause.
On this page you will find several reading resources I have created to help you find the supports you need when you are at a loss.

Somewhere around year eight of trying to conceive, I realized what I was going through was going to help others one day. Like a puzzle slowly bringing a clearer picture, piece by piece I knew I was meant to write about my story to give others hope during their own pregnant pause. In fact, when that phrase came to me, I knew that would be the title of my book​
Published in 2019, The Pregnant Pause launched me into the realm of becoming an infertility support and entrepreneur all at the same time, and I am so grateful for the chance to have my voice welcomed into hurting women's lives.
Praying Through Infertility - Book
In 2022 I was invited, along with 37 other men & women to contribute to this one of a kind devotional. Written by men and women who have faced infertility themselves with various outcomes, this book reminds you that you are not alone and will help set your heart free from fear. Compiled by author, speaker, and broadcaster Sheridan Voysey, Praying Through Infertility is written to share lessons learned on almost every experience an infertile couple can face.
Praying Through Infertility doesn’t offer advice on treatments or give spiritual formulas for miracle conceptions. Instead, it offers an empathetic and hopeful accompaniment through the long dark night you are walking through. This is the book to read when you need hope for the journey, and the book to give when you don’t know what to say.
A blog was the first place I poured out my angst about the journey I was on, before I even knew it was infertility. Once the struggle became deeply personal and something I found wasn't safe to talk to about with everyone, I created a secret blog to pour out my heart's deepest hurts, and found a few other blogs to follow that helped me feel less alone.
In 2015 I finally got to a point where I no longer wanted to tip toe around what I was going through, I decided to publish my blog, and show up for myself, my story, & others who may need to find even just one other person going through what they were. Much like a travel blog, I share the ins & outs of the journey infertility takes me on, and hope it helps those on the same paused path.

At a Loss Newsletter
I began a monthly newsletter as a way to bring a connection to my various types of support and offer one, consistent place you can count on to find out all the latest things I am up to with art journaling, Coaching, writing, etc. I also wanted a place I could share more resources than one can fit in a typical social media post, links to other helpful supports or to tools that can be easily downloaded right from your inbox. I tend to also share snippets of what is going on in my own journey and heart along the way as well. It's like a letter between friends, because especially among those who understand what's it's like to be at a loss, the more friends the better.